Musica da camera con la nuova liuteria/Chamber music with new lutherie
Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, a.a. 2020-21
Un’opera, un suono/One work, one sound
“Composition is an awareness and representation of one’s own perspective. To achieve this we must focus more than ever on every single phase of the creative process, including the development of one’s own means.
I find myself not only in the form, the algorithms, the organisation of the chosen materials, but also in the means that help me to translate my timbral ideas. I am my sound.”.
Striving for an unheard sound/Tendere ad un suono inedito
“Irregularity, confusion, splendour, enchantment, the different and the abnormal have greater potential to convey the exclusive nature of each individual imaginary”.
Helsinki lectures – Why research into lutherie?/Le conferenze di Helsinki – Perché una ricerca sulla liuteria?
“With the passage of time, the traditional acoustic sound paradigm has become impractical and inadequate”.
Instruments as apparatus/Gli strumenti come apparati
“The evolution of lutherie is closely related to the notion of a complex system, of an apparatus, and replaces that of simple instrument”.
On new lutherie/Sulla nuova liuteria
“What seems both inevitable and crucially important, is a more modern, flexible approach to the figure of the musician, and a readiness to see the instrumental families that make up the orchestra and chamber ensemble as interchangeable”.